THE Mpanda District Magistrate’s Court has sentenced two Tanzanians to either pay a fine of 20m/- or serve 20 years jail term each after finding them guilty of helping and transporting 65 Ethiopian nationals who illegally entered the country.
The convicted Tanzanians are Sadick Mohammed Msomolo (35), a resident of Mwanza Region and Joseph Magessa (33), a resident of Kihonda Ward in Morogoro Region.
Equally, the same court has sentenced 65 Ethiopian nationals each to either pay a fine of 500,000/- or serve three months in jail after finding them guilty of entering the country illegally.
However, all the accused persons have started to serve their jail terms after failing to pay the fine.
The court has also ordered the Ethiopians be deported back to their home country after serving their sentences.
Katavi Regional Commissioner Ms Mwanamvua Mrindoko told the ‘Daily News’ over telephone interview Tuesday that on Friday, the immigration department in Mlele District of Katavi Region apprehended 65 people alleged to have sneaked to the country from Ethiopia illegally.
“The 65 Ethiopians were transported via an empty oil tanker; the Immigration officers intercepted them on Monday and arrested two Tanzanians who were aiding the Ethiopians,” she said.