Contractors advised to use certified equipment

Contractors in the country have been counselled to use equipment certified by the Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) to make sure projects implemented meet the required standards.

The TBS Standards Officer, Innocent Johnbosco said at the Contractors Day held in Dodoma at the weekend that for the projects implemented in the country to meet quality standards, contractors must use certified equipment.

“As the construction industry grows steadily, TBS is reminding contractors to observe the quality of tools applied by the construction industry countrywide,” he told visitors and contractors at the TBS pavilion during the event to mark Contractors’ Day.


He said before implementing any construction projects in the country, contractors should ensure that they certify all the equipment to be used as a way to meet the required quality standards specifications.

Mr Johnbosco said they used the contractors’ event to inform and explain to contractors TBS obligations in ensuring that the projects implemented reflect the true value for money.

To make sure standards are observed, TBS has been maintaining regular checks of the equipment so that they meet the quality standards required in the construction sector.

He maintained that TBS will continue to hold its regular surveillance campaigns in the market where the suspected offender will be investigated and dealt with accordingly.

The quality standard is a critical and non-negotiable issue in the construction industry. Therefore, meeting the high-regulatory construction industry quality standards is crucial for them to stay relevant or enter their competitive industry

He said also that they used the contractors’ event to provide awareness to entrepreneurs on the need to certify their goods as an important aspect of exploring and competing in the domestic and global markets.

“When goods are certified by TBS they give manufacturers market assurance and do away with unnecessary business obstacles that they have been encountering in the market,” he noted.

According to him, for entrepreneurs to get TBS certification, they need to have an introductory letter from the Small Industries Development Organisation (SIDO).


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