Consensus, solidality cornerstone to prosperity – Mwinyi tells Workers

ZANZIBAR President Dr Hussein Mwinyi has implored workers to maintain peace, serenity, consensus and solidarity at workplaces for the country’s social and economic prosperity.
President Hussein Mwinyi

ZANZIBAR: ZANZIBAR President Dr Hussein Mwinyi has implored workers to maintain peace, serenity, consensus and solidarity at workplaces for the country’s social and economic prosperity.

“Let’s work hard and harmoniously to speed up economic development and improve social welfare in the country,” Dr Mwinyi told public and private sector employees at the commemoration of workers’ day at Pemba’s Gombani Stadium.

vcThe president denounced laziness, bribes and embezzlement among workers at the workplaces, reiterating the government commitment to ensure all citizens benefit from the country’s resources.


“It’s the government responsibility to ensure that all citizens, including workers, benefit from the available resources and opportunities,” President Mwinyi said as he announced a 50,000/- monthly transport allowance to all public servants.

He said the government has allocated over 34bn/- for transport allowance and additional 2.5bn/- in leave passage in the coming 2024/2025 fiscal year.

“Our attentive government is gradually improving benefits and the working environment for enhanced productivity,” Dr Mwinyi said, assuring that the government will continuously address challenges that haunt workers. He asked workers to respect human rights and good governance principles in their offices to increase productivity and adequately serve wananchi.

The president cited workers’ rights; creation of job opportunities; and increased productivity in service delivery to the public as his administration’s priorities.

ALSO READ: Salary increment, retirement scheme top workers’ demands

He said under Chama Cha Mapinduzi’s (CCM) 2020/2025 election manifesto, the government is duty bound to create 300,000 jobs in the five-year period.

And, already through execution of development projects especially construction of roads, schools, health centres, hospitals, ports, water infrastructure and electricity, the government has created 180,651 jobs, which are 104 per cent of the three-year’s 180,000 target.

The country has as well in the 2023/2024 financial year registered 63 projects with total capital of 1,499 million US dollars and potential of 4,397 jobs. Zanzibar Trade Union Congress (ZATUC) Executive Secretary Khamis Mwinyi Mohamed decried high Pay As You Earn (PAYE) deductions from workers’ salaries as one of a myriad of concerns that haunt employees in the islands.

He said President Mwinyi’s May 8, 2022 announcement on salary increment has been a big blow to workers.

“Since you made that announcement Mr President; it has become a whip on us; no allowances; no annual increment …everything you ask for, the response is: your salary was increased.” ZATUC chief executive accused some senior government officers whom he claimed to have been frustrating the operations of trade unions in the workplaces.

Summarising, President Mwinyi said: “I have received all your concerns and I will work on them.” He directed the president office, labour, economic affairs and investment to convene quarterly meetings with the trade unions to address workers’ problems.