Children Fashion Show for fundraising pays off

A Group of children present their custom designs in the fundraising event to support underprivileged children who live in Dar es Salaam to get their basic needs. (Photo by Benjamin Ben)

AFTER organising a successful fundraising fashion show event, the International French School in Dar es Salaam has pledged to continue with the exercise whose proceeds are meant to support charitable organisations.

This was confirmed by the school’s Principal, Caroline Martias and the Marketing and Events Manager, Sandy Daccache, during an exclusive interview with the ‘Daily News’ in Dar es Salaam where they opened up by saying they will keep on hosting similar events so as to assist the less privileged people in the country.

“As an international school, we have students from different countries who are here to get a good education and we decided to come up with an event so that what will be generated from it should be used for charitable purposes.


“Here is where the idea of staging a fundraising fashion show came and as you know, we (French People), we cherish it a lot about fashion because it is among our famous symbols aside from food, wine, arts and others,” Martias said.

She added that they were all amazed by the big turn-up of people for the event saying all the students who participated did well to showcase their potential by displaying various fashion designs.

According to her, engaging in fashion improves self-confidence among people, so they are ready to promote it to reach many people. “Fashion is also a fabulous tool for changing attitudes and stereotypes.

Fashion can help fight inequality, it can send a better message to people of all ages, sizes and nationalities. It can help us feel good about ourselves,” she said.

She then appreciated the good support they get from the Tanzanian government saying the cordial relationship between Tanzania and France is good and she is happy to represent the French education system in the country.

“This year, we will be supporting Partage, an association in the north of the country that helps orphans, providing them with schooling, care, a roof over their heads and food. They also work on the relationship with the orphan’s family to maintain a link with the child who has lost his parents.

“I would like to take this opportunity to salute the incredible involvement of Philippe Krynen, the founder of the association. He has been working for the orphans of Bukoba for 20 years. His work has already helped over 20,000 orphans. Many thanks to him,” she said.

On her part, the school’s Marketing and Events Manager Sandy Daccache also insisted:” The good thing is that we  did not concentrate on one specification… and we managed to get people from different parts of the country like Iringa, Dodoma and Arusha which shows that it touched many people in different parts of the country,”

Furthermore, the Marketing & Events Manager reiterated that the school is ready to collaborate with any international school for the sake of organising another big event whose produce will be directed to the needy.

“We value a lot, the issue of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and as an institution, we must think the ideas about what to do to fulfill the needs of CSR and so far, we are in the right direction,” she confidently said.

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