INDIVIDUALS who invaded Bondo Forest in Kilindi Constituency, Tanga Region have been ordered by the government to vacate the conservation area by December this year.
Deputy Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism Mary Masanja issued an ultimatum on Monday in Parliament when responding to the question posed by Omari Kigua (CCM- Kilindi).
The legislator, in his basic question, wanted to know when the government would evict people who invaded Bondo Forest located at Mswaki Ward in Kilindi District.
According to the minister, in different occasions, some individuals have been invading the conservation area, carrying out agricultural activities, including grazing livestock. Some, she said, have built residential houses, threatening the existence of the forest reserve.
Showing how the government is determined to evict invaders, billboards have been placed in some posts near the forest, ordering intruders to vacate by December 30, this year.