MARA: Directors from the Prime Minister’s Office (Labour, Youth, Employment & Persons with Disability) have commended Barrick North Mara and Bulyanhulu gold mines for providing job opportunities in a bid to empower Tanzanian youth economically.
This was said by a team of five directors dealing with issues related to labour, youth, employment and people with disabilities during the four-day tour of the two gold mines which are managed by a joint venture company Twiga Minerals.
Speaking on behalf of other directors, Youth Development Director Dr Mwiga Mbesi pledged to collaborate with Barrick North Mara to bolster the youth empowerment fund to enhance their business activities and contribute to economic development.
“Initiating farming projects for youth is highly commendable and provides youth with self-employment thus boosting their incomes,” he said.
Barrick North Mara Human Resources Manager, Ivo Masanja told the government officials that the mining firm employs 1,391, whereby 96 per cent are Tanzanians and 67 per cent come from the surrounding areas.
He said the number of experts from abroad employed at the Barrick North Mara Gold mine has declined by 4 per cent.
He said the gold mines have employed 248 contractors out of which 97.5 per cent are Tanzanians.
Mr Masanja said the gold mine plans to increase the number of women employed and continue to persuade Tanzanians living abroad to come back home and employ them.
On his part, the Director of National Productivity Growth, Yohana Madadi said the two gold mines are doing a commendable job of providing employment to Tanzanians as well as supporting various community projects in the surrounding mining areas.
On his part, Barrick North Mara Gold Mine Communications Manager, Francis Uhadi told the directors that the relationship between the gold mines and surrounding communities was good.
He mentioned projects like commercial farming initiated by the gold mine to support economic youth from areas close to the gold mine.
“Youth benefitting from this commercial farming project have their total sales increased to 164m/- and will be later be used as field class,” he said.
He said 40 per cent of the vegetables produced in the project are sold to the Barrick North Mara Gold Mine through AKO Company and the remaining 60 per cent to other markets.
The other directors on the tour were Amosi Nyandwi, Joseph Nganga and Kissa Kilindu.