TANZANIA: ACADEMICIANS and analysts are optimistic of a much-strengthened business and investment foundations between Tanzania and Germany.
According to them, the visit by Germany President, Mr Frank Walter Steinmeier and his entourage, which include other government leaders and investors of 12 large companies was of much significance to the country, which is making pragmatic reforms in attracting investments.
They aired their views on Tuesday shortly after Tanzania’s President Dr Samia Suluhu Hassan and President Steinmeier held a joint press conference at the State House in Dar es Salaam.
For them, this visit was yet another opportunity to bolster technological advancement, boost forex earnings, job creation and enhance growth of the tourism sector.
At the joint press conference, the two leaders expressed mutual commitment among others in increasing trade and tourism, boosting investment, digital economy and transition to clean energy.
Economist cum Investment Banker, Dr Hildebrand Shayo said the mutual bilateral cooperation between the two nations in various economic sectors through technical assistance and financial support will create employment opportunities for citizens.
He said with strengthened trade ties, Tanzania’s exports to Germany and vise-versa will significantly grow, widening the national revenue generation base through exports and import tariffs. He also said that Germany will infuse high technology in Tanzania, as the latter possess high tech.
“Germany is the most renowned country globally on manufacturing lasting first-class products, again she is amongst the high-tech leading countries with transition to digital economy and alternative energy. Tanzania has opportunities of exporting the industrial minerals including graphite,” Dr Shayo said.
Furthermore, he said Germany’s pledge of supporting Tanzania’s realisation of the digital economy signalled commitment on transforming the entire economy from lower middle income to upper middle-income status, where there will be robust revenue generation and creation of jobs.
He said attaining the upper middle-income status will enable Tanzania to attract more finance, including loans from the developed countries and international financial bodies refer to the fact that any country’s financiers consider respective country economic stability.
He commended Germany’s plan of supporting Tanzania’s start up companies and innovators for the country to have high tech companies and experts.
Dr Shayo said Tanzania’s growth of the tourism industry due to high influx of tourists from Germany will boost foreign currency earnings, while challenging the government and other stakeholders to improve the sector’s infrastructures, including hotels for accommodation as well as good hospitality.
For his part, tourism expert, Dr Delphine Kessy who is also the Director for Research, Innovation and Community Engagement at the Saint Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT) said President Steinmeier’s visit in Tanzania promotes the immense tourism attractions available in the country.
Dr Kessy said the tourism relation between the two nations will enable Tanzania to learn from Germany, which has major tourism companies that provide end to end service delivery from transport to accommodation.
She called for Tanzania tourism companies to make sure they get integrated into the international tourism chain, tapping numerous tourists from different parts of the world including in Germany.
Mwanza based analyst, Mr Medard Wildred commended President Samia for economic diplomatic achievement of hosting her counterpart, noting that it was the continuation of her commitment to open up the country.
He said the digital economy will boost productivity and improve citizen livelihood in general.
On reforming the historical tie, political analyst, Mr Hamiduni Maliseli commended Mr Steinmeier’s decision of pledging to address Tanzania’s demand of bringing back remains of their forefathers, including skulls which were taken to Germany during colonialism.
“It is the new chapter of Tanzania and Germany relations; we must let the past go,” he said.
Equally, Prof Edwinus Lyaya from the University of Dar es Salaam, Archeology and Heritage Department said that if Germany returns the country’s cultural heritage, including skulls and bones, it will stimulate the increase of tourists, which will lead to the increase of the country’s income.
“Through the cultural heritage which will be returned by Germany, the country will brand itself and receive more tourists who will come to see the attractions,” Prof Lyaya said
On the other hand, Prof Lyaya has advised the government to make necessary preparations for the storage of the skulls when they are returned to the country because they require high-technology storage, so that they do not get damaged.
“The government has to plan for the conservation of cultural heritage when they are returned to the country… In Germany, they have been able to last for a long time (over 120 years) because of the high technology in preservation,” he said.
Professor X.N. Iraki, an economist at the University of Nairobi, notes that ties between the two countries run deep. Tanzania was part of German East Africa from 1885 to 1918.
“Tanzania has a lot of agricultural land, a lot of minerals, but it needs someone to invest in these sectors,” Iraki said.