Lactating mothers have been advised to consume natural nutritious food which will enable them to breastfeed their babies effectively.
Active Mama director Ernestina Mwenda offered advice to over 50 women who attended a seminar held in Dar es Salaam over the weekend.
Speaking to journalists, Active Mama said cases of mothers failing to breastfeed their babies due to little breast milk has dropped in Dar es Salaam, thanks to the availability of natural nutritious food.
The director admitted there are some mothers who are avoiding breastfeeding their babies pretending to have little milk in order to maintain their “body shapes.”
“There is no reason to avoid breastfeeding your baby for the sake of maintaining your shape,” the entrepreneur told seminar’s participants.
In addressing challenges facing women with little breast milk, she said her company, Active Mama, manufactures pumpkin seeds flour which she claimed to be among naturally produced food stuff that promote breast milk production.
She expressed her optimism that the seminar will yield fruits to mothers who got an opportunity to learn how to breast feed their babies properly.